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  • Writer's pictureMarion Boyd

"My 2022 Word is Authenticity"

Transparency Thursday: Comment and drop a 💯 if you can relate. Each week, I want to share transparent stories boy my life/mental health in an effort to motivate others to not suffer in silence!




So, did you create New Year Resolutions? Did you do a vision board? Did you find a word that will define how you want to move in 2022? I use to be big on resolutions but then I realized I wasn't sticking to them. I would do the Vision board, hang it up in my room, and look at it daily, but it just wasn't doing it for me. I had cut out all of these pictures of how I wanted my life to look in the new year but didn't really understand how I would get there, so....I dropped the Vision board idea and went with a New Year Themed Word instead.




Jan 2021, I decided to start naming my New Year with a theme in hopes of this theme being a reminder for how to move about my everyday life. In 2021, my New Year theme was "intentionality." I strived to be intentional about how I spent my time, who I spent it with, and what connections I cultivated. In 2022, my New Year theme is all about "authenticity." My goal is to wake up every day being authentic to who I am at my core. It also is a constant reminder to keep learning myself so that I can continue to identify the areas of my life where I need to be more authentic. Since doing the New Year Themed idea in 2021, I've really seen my goals take off and exceed beyond what I can see.

I will continue to live out my New Year Themed word of "authenticity" and will share with you all throughout the year how it's coming to life!

Do you have a New Year Themed Word? 🤔

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